Galoot Central -- Under New Ownership

Okay, that all got started but never quite turned the corner on coming to fruition.  Galoot Central is now under new management. New user registration has been temporarily suspended.  What for announcements of future plans. In the meantime, continue to enjoy GIC!


The time has come to move the current version of Galoot Central to that great workshop in the sky. The technology platform is no longer support and  there is precious little here that can't be done better with the current crop of web tools. The photo gallery (which we all know has quirks all its own!!!) can certainly be improved but that will be a job all its own to move!


The new Galoot Central will reside on a new domain to more closely identify it with the membership of the OldTools mailing list.. yes, none other than:


(we will keep this domain and just do a little traffic redirection so your bookmarks will largely remain valid.)


New features....


1.  Any OldTools list member (that is, someone with a bio!!) will be able to have their own basic blog type site .. so, for example, for galoot named, say "Wilfred Wilson", he might have a site at


2.  These basic sites can be upgraded on the fly to have full fledged web site capability, including a radically easy way to upload multimedia content for a very low monthly fee -- much lower than buying a domain and finding hosting somewhere!!


3. Sponsorship advertising at ridiculously low rates .. Galoot Central receives several thousand visits per month .. get your name in front of a very targeted audience for next to nothing.


4. Probably won't be ready right out of the gate, but a snazzy tool to do FMM postings will give those galoots who faithfully post on the first Monday a place not only to list their stuff, but accompany the listing with photos.


... and lots of other stuff .. time to look at the calendar at do something about a old site that has seen better days.  Web sites are not like old tools... they just don't get better with age!!


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