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IMG-20120415-00052.jpgfound on the road25 viewsTinsnips I picked up off the road whilst riding my bike to the train station... Free tools!dlarue

IMG-20120415-00051.jpgoil-stone22 viewsmy new-to-me oil-stone has some writing on the bottom. Looks like "Copeland Ch~~~son Co. Ltd"
Now I'm trying to find out who this was...dlarue

TOTT_Mar_2012_Blower.jpgTools of The Trade sale more stuff43 viewsOh yah, and I got this too, *another* forge blower.dlarue

TOTT_Mar_2012_Stuff.jpgTools of The Trade sale stuff27 viewsPile o stuff I got at the TOTTdlarue

toolgroupmar2012.jpgTool Group Of Canada meeting Mar 201222 viewsI picked up a couple of tools at the meeting, a BASA hammer, which I have added maple inserts to replace the mangled plastic ones, and a Swiss Made chisel (back bent or something weird like that).dlarue

garagesalemar2012.jpg1st garage sale of 201236 viewsStumbled upon a garage sale last Sunday (they are always Saturday in these parts). Seven Marples turning chisels, a small facse plate for my lathe, two Marples bench gouges, and one German bevel edge socket chisel. All this and about 10 pounds of screws and nails. Yay!dlarue

trauts_patent.JPGtraut's patent30 viewsStanley #46 skew-ironed plow plane, has March 4 73 patent date on it. How long did they keep using this stamp? My plane has post-1900 characteristics, per B&G.dlarue

infill_17.JPG17 inch infill28 viewslong infill, cast body, wedged iron.
Someone sanded the cr*p out of the wood, but left the body alone (thank goodness!). Mouth is too large, so I need to make a thicker iron for it.dlarue

spoon1.jpgchilli spoon again22 viewsanother shot of the spoon I carved (or ladle!)dlarue

spoon2.jpgchilli spoon 26 viewsI hacked this out with a hatchet, sheath knife, and crook knife at our winter Scout camp. We used it to stir and serve the chilli.dlarue

2x4_tilt_top_1.jpg2X4 tilt-top table24 viewsmade from a single 8 ft Home Despot 2x4dlarue

tilt.jpgveneered tilt top table27 viewsmaple and walnut veneer top on maple underlay. Birch column, legs and underpinnings.dlarue
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