Search results - "1907" |

21_IMG_4284s.jpgDrawerfront detail100 viewsThe hardware was replaced twice. Most recent was a stamped plate registered in 1907: the pattern No. was on the back. The plate hid circles from a turned knob, fitted through a crudely rounded hole. Scratches inside the circles imply the earliest hardware was a knob on stem: someone reaching for the knob would scratch the surface with their nails. The original knobs were attached through roughly square chiseled holes less than half the diameter of the mounting hole seen here. Schwartz

Cleaned_base_with_tote___knob_-_side.JPGBailey No. 5 - Cleaned base with tote & knob - side61 viewsOldSneelock

Cleaned_base_with_tote___knob.JPGBailey No. 5 - cleaned base with tote & knob59 viewsOldSneelock

Blade_with_top_flattened_and_edge_stoned.JPGBailey No. 5 - Blade with top flattened and edge stoned56 viewsOldSneelock

Blade_with_back_flattened.JPGBailey No. 5 - Blade with back flattened45 viewsOldSneelock

1st_Shaving_Thickness__015_inch.JPGShaving Thickness70 viewsOldSneelock

Cleaned_base_-_sole.JPGCleaned base - sole60 viewsShined up pretty good considering.OldSneelock

Tote_Mounting_Screws_-_clean.JPGTote mounting screws43 viewsOldSneelock

Cleaned_base_-_side.JPGCleaned base - side46 viewsOldSneelock

Owners_stamp.JPGOwners mark51 viewsOne of the previous caretakers put their mark on the side.OldSneelock