Search results - "25" |

DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForge

IMG_20170225_223925.jpgnew handle36 viewsnew handle on my carving hatchet, and a couple of spoon blanks roughed out.dlarue

IMG_20170225_223915.jpgpower grip42 viewsend grip for rough work, when you want to hog off a lot of wood.dlarue

IMG_20170225_223903.jpgchoking up36 viewsupper grip area, choking up on the tool for detail workdlarue

IMG_20160525_194606.jpgripping35 viewsripping out the head and foot railsdlarue

IMG_20160612_150257.jpgboring boring30 viewsroughing out the mortisesdlarue

IMG_20160722_193725.jpgi bin framed19 viewsthe whole frame dry fit with centre rail.dlarue

13198595_10108237932718614_2374904018658974252_o.jpg20 viewsZach Dillinger

13226819_10108237933167714_2462252505512388715_n.jpg21 viewsZach Dillinger

1925MillersFallsmodel15.jpg1925 MF Langdon catalog page89 viewsNote the distinction between the model 15 1/2 and the model 16 1/2. I think I've got a model 16 1/2 since it does not have the slotted elevators.Sgt42RHR

IMG_20150825_184439.jpgblock23 viewsmouth block cut from a bronze bar with a hacksawdlarue
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