Search results - "apron" |

tile_table_done.jpgtile topped table25 viewstile topped table for xmas 2014
poplar legs, red oak aprons, sassafras edgesdlarue

2011_8252s.jpgcorner joint of a lamp table179 viewsPlywood top and aprons, solid triangular leg with thick veneer. No visible fasteners.Schwartz

HallTable2.jpgHallTable2231 viewsNo brass on apron yetRuby

minimox2.jpgminimox side234 viewsHere is a good view of the longer front jaw allowing the rear jaw to be registered in the same plane as the bench apron. writt

100_3154.jpg156 viewsTop is 28" X 84" X 3-1/2" thick, with no aprons. Very nice to clamp to all around. On a family trip to northern Ohio I found that the local Lowe's carried Southern Yellow Pine framing lumber, which Chris recommended as one possible bench wood. Chris noted that the longest and widest boards are usually pretty nice lumber and darned if they weren't.Ruby

100_3140.jpg209 viewsThe Record planing stop raised up - neat device. The top is 3-1/2" thick with no aprons which is very handy for clamping to all around.Ruby

Shop_Jacket_001.JPGShop Jacket Outside177 viewsFour pockets outside, four pockets inside.GalootFrank

Shop_Jacket_002.JPGShop Jacket Inside171 viewsFour pockets inside.GalootFrank

Some_Previous_Galootaclaus_Gifts.jpgLast five years of Galootaclaus gifts (not all are shown)100 viewsThis isn't a fully complete photo, but it shows the diversity of gifts over four of my years of participation...
2003 was worth every minute of the wait - a Warner & Driggs woodie
2004 Stanley No. 15 try square, and No. 18 bevel gauge; both are well used
2005 Stanley 9-1/2 block plane and an MF chain drill; the comment enclosed leveled me -- a cherished gift
2006 Veritas year: marking gauge, spokeshave kit, striking knife and canvas apron
2007 paper thin turned bowl, tool holders, hand tools bookCharlie Driggs

OVBclonet.jpgOVB/Clonet128 viewsFor as sense of scale, the edge of the board, my bench apron, is 3/4"Tom11