Search results - "bit" |

knockonwood.jpgKnock on wood44 viewsa bit of figured oak, scraped and oiled and shellaced for the tray in the car. nicknaylo

IMG_2799.JPGGalootaclaus 2016 80 views11 items, two for chunks of Bodark and Mesquite from Texas, two for chisels needing a boatload of care, a bit holder also needing some help, a box of #7 slotted flat heads from Sweden of all places, dual sheave blocks, a mystery #593 Stanley hammer without faces, a NIB set of 6 Greenlee Irwin style bits, some acid brushes, and a tubular thing that apparently grows that way - never saw anything like this before, but I'm guessing that grew in Texas too. Quite an assortment.Charlie Driggs

Galootaclaus_tools.jpg2016 Tools from Galootaclaus98 viewsUnmarked spoke shave, Pexto chisel, Buck Brothers chisel, unmarked cast steel narrow chisel, spoon bit, and a block of dense wood that will be perfect for scales for knife or tool handles.Sgt42RHR

uglylegs.jpgugly legs36 viewsfirst set of legs from my new pole lathe
I missed on one set of beads so they are offset a bit.
Also split some of the stock a bit too close.
And my skew work is atrocious.

cherryspoon.jpgcherry spoon 22 viewsroughed out with a drawknife, finished with a Mora and a Pinewood Forge hook knife.
Will let it dry a bit before putting the finishing touches on it.dlarue

Russell_Jennings_Auger_Bits.jpgRussell Jennings Auger Bits65 viewsA set of 6 RJ bits in odd sizes to fill in a set. no's 15, 11, 9, 7, 5, and 4. A welcome addition to my harlequin set. All have great lead screws and spurs. in the background a piece of green leather destined to become auger bit roll and a couple of cool old Bicentenial (1776-1976) decals.Brentpmed

IMG_6685.JPGdetail of the older leg vise screw mount38 viewsThis may look a bit rough to some, but it is definitely a cleaner installation than the way it was mounted on my grandfather's 80, 90 or more years main bench. This one works quite wel. With two leg vises on the south end mounted 'in plane', it is quite easy to hold short sections (3-5 ft) of lumber for sawing to a line, although the height isn't ideal. Also very useful for holding items when needing to run round tenons with one of the hollow augers.Charlie Driggs

IMG_0799.JPGhold down storage along the west side of the bench41 viewsThe stretchers were a major stiffener of this bench, as until these were added it would rack a bit when planing large boards. Adding them created storage for items otherwise awkward to fit close at hand.Charlie Driggs

gage.jpgrepaired gauge24 viewsbusted head, bought cheap, fixed with a bit of glue, haha!dlarue

Big_and_little_mitre_boxes.jpgLittle brother and big brother132 viewsA 12 inch Millers Falls mitrebox and a big Stanley mitrebox. Both with Disston saws each with 1896-1917 PHILADA medallions. Both saws came with their respective mitreboxes. Neither have been sharpened but both cut quickly and smoothly. I use both of these a lot. The little Millers Falls is just perfect for moulding and small bits.Sgt42RHR

IMG_20150826_214807.jpgfinished 23 viewsBLO, old bit of saw blade, and it works fine.dlarue

Panel_1.jpgPanel for crib headboard115 viewsI selected this bit of cherry for a headboard panel because it looks like mountains and valleys coming down to the shore of a lake.Sgt42RHR
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