Search results - "bodger" |

IMG_20170807_165127.jpglegs22 viewsstandard chair leg pattern for bodgers log-to-leg racedlarue

BB_bodger_cup.JPGturning a cup35 viewsTurning an end-grain cup on a pole lathe. This required some specialized hook tools.dlarue

BB_bodger_setup.JPGdemo area33 viewsOne of the spindle turning demo setups. Two shave horses, a hewing bench, and two lathes.dlarue

BB_classes.JPGgreenwood classes32 viewsthe two days prior to the Bodgers Ball had a lot of courses in the big marquee.dlarue

BB_cleft_gates.JPGcleft gates27 viewsone of the bodgers riving chestnut for gates.dlarue

IMG_20160830_200027.jpgnew pole lathe up and running41 viewsbased on Mike Abbott's Pole Lathe 2000 and numerous lathes seen at the Bodger's Balldlarue

Hulot_bodgers_muddle.jpgHulot's Bodger's muddle from 1775109 viewsbwelch

100_0541.JPGwalnut bowl107 viewsHere I am making a hash of a bowl blank on my pole lathe.dlarue

polelathes.JPGPole Lathes & Shaving Horses124 viewsHere's some of the setup at the gathering. Lots of lathes and lots of fun!dlarue

spatula.JPGspatula105 viewsHere's another of Dave Fleming's quick projects that he uses to entertain the Masses and pay for his booth at shows. It's a spatula made from cherry. Once the handle is completed, he takes it to she shaving horse and thins down the blade. It took him like 6 minutes to make this. Mine took half an hour, and looks like a laundry paddle :^(dlarue

screwchuck.JPGscrew chuck129 viewsDave Fleming is making a candlestick using a screw chuck on his pole lathe. The right hand centre is mounted using a stub he fits into the brass candle holder insert. The wood is Yew.dlarue

candlestick.JPGcandlestick92 viewsDave Fleming made this on his pole lathe in only a few minutes using a screw chuck. dlarue