Search results - "bottle" |

TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue

Horseheads.jpgBottle openers21 viewsnicknaylo

Horseheadsprogress.jpgHorsehead bottle openers16 viewsLower opener made a year and a half ago, progress to get back the knack of shaping the headnicknaylo

Galootaclaus_2012.JPGGalootaclaus 2012198 viewsElf Scott Garrison is both prescient and creative! I now have a CD recording of fiddle and guitar performance of music from Thomas Jefferson's library, a set of lovely 17th century French playing cards (now I really have to finish that folding table), Kauffman's wonderful book on Early American Copper, Tin & Brass, a bottle of Old Brown Glue (now I have no excuse not to use hide glue on my next project), and a bottle of beeswax and orange oi wood conditioner (and I've got an old family rocker that's going Sgt42RHR

DSCN4409.JPGAfternoons forging37 viewscouple of ugly nails, decent but heavy bottle opener, 3/4 done dragonfly and messed up corkscrewnicknaylo

centipede_garage004.jpg113 viewsEnough muscle power, and not a few bottles of beer,
lift a garage, turn it 180, move it down the alley...jonjunk

DSCN3474.JPGBottle opener from a RR spike. 81 viewsa lot of people make crappy, heavy knives from railroad spikes. I've tried and failed to do even that much. But bottle openers I seem to be able to do! nicknaylo

DSCN3297.JPGFinished bottle opener57 viewsadded a leaf and hang loop to the end. Made sure there was a beer in the house before I started forging this time.nicknaylo

DSCN3252.JPGBottle Opener, half inch stock 49 viewsnicknaylo

GC2008.jpgGalootaclaus 2008.158 viewsHoo boy, now I gotta be good for the whole next year to earn all this. My benefactor included a couple of wooden screw clamps that he made (The jaws of Southern yellow pine -- check out the 1/2 inch growth rings on the jaw in the back!), a mallet of mulberry he also made, back issues of the now-defunct Woodwork magazine which were fun to look at again, band some great chunks of cherry, spalted maple and possibly catalpa, and condiment bottles for catsup, shellac or BLO stuffed with shellac pad material.curt seeliger