Search results - "c.1920." |
Fulton_Block_Plane_(2).JPGSimilar to SARGENT No.217 (220) BLOCK PLANE. c.1920.53 viewsThis is similar to a SARGENT No.217 (220) BLOCK PLANE. c.1920. It doesn't have any cast in numbers or letters in the bed casting.OldSneelock
Fulton_Block_Plane_(5).JPGSimilar to SARGENT No.217 (220) BLOCK PLANE. c.1920.61 viewsPer information on Bob Kaune Sargent website this is similar to a SARGENT No.217 (220) BLOCK PLANE. c.1920.OldSneelock
Fulton_Block_Plane_(6).JPGSimilar to SARGENT No.217 (220) BLOCK PLANE. c.1920.107 viewsPer information found on this is similar to a SARGENT No.217 (220) BLOCK PLANE. c.1920.OldSneelock