Search results - "carving" |

gc2017.jpgGC 2017 Gifts52 viewsA hearty "thank you" to my gifter, Stuart Minuskin. Inside the flat rate box was a Chris Vesper chip-carving knife, a new headlamp, a pocket Stanley Tool reference book, a nicely turned pen, a calendar from Queensland for the shop, and a "The Tool Exchange" t-shirt. Merry Christmas, Stuart!madwing

CZK_carving.JPGcarved door18 viewsanother set of carved details in a door. The craftsman only used a couple of chisels for this.dlarue

CZK_carving2.JPGcarved scroll17 viewsscroll carved in a church pew. not too complicated but very nice.dlarue

IMG_20170225_223925.jpgnew handle36 viewsnew handle on my carving hatchet, and a couple of spoon blanks roughed out.dlarue

Galootaclause_2015.JPGCarving Tools30 viewsAnother slippery slope!tjh12glen

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

handle.JPGHandle 289 viewsCarving the wheat pattern was the most nervewracking. I already had about 10 hours in the handle, and it was finished. If I messed up this part I was going to cry. Brentpmed

handle2.JPGHandle 287 viewsCarving the wheat pattern was the most nervewracking. I already had about 10 hours in the handle, and it was finished. If I messed up this part I was going to cry. Brentpmed

100_5751.JPGcarved after assembly23 viewsLooks like the carving was done after assemblydlarue

100_5564.JPGuneven18 viewsuneven carving but from even a couple of yards away it looks great

100_5575.JPGout of bounds15 viewsnote how the carving goes around the rails and stiles.
done after assembly, perhaps?dlarue

100_5744.JPGcarving error18 viewslooks like someone changed their mind halfway through the job.
also note the embellished bead, sort of a rope carving motif.dlarue