Search results - "chisel" |

TOTT-Oct-2017-3.jpgTOTT Oct 2017 319 viewsbrutally mangled chisel. I did not buy it despite the $1 price tag.dlarue

DSCN1073.JPGchisels16 viewschisels in the chest - note the number of cranked necksdlarue

CZK_carving.JPGcarved door18 viewsanother set of carved details in a door. The craftsman only used a couple of chisels for this.dlarue

IMG_20170402_120945.jpgStrange chisel 227 viewsNope, it appears to be an incannel sash mortising socket gouge??dlarue

IMG_20170402_121015.jpgStrange chisel 124 viewsPS&W sash mortising socket chisel - OR IS IT??dlarue

Mangled1.jpgmangled chisels29 viewsa sash morticing chisel for working around corners.
and a former socket chisel.

Mangled2.jpgmangled framing chisel26 viewsmashed tang, hex nut jammed on as an impromptu bolster, plenty of pitting, and the edge is mangled.dlarue

b.jpgModified to 1/8 inch86 viewsAn old Two Cherries 1/4 inch chisel that I reground to 1/8 inch to use in cleaning out the corners in dovetail sockets.Sgt42RHR

3-32nd_inch_wide_chisel.jpg3-32nd inch wide chisel75 viewsThis is the narrowest chisel I've ever seen, just at 3/32 inch. Only marking is CAST STEEL stamped into the side of the iron near the tang.Sgt42RHR

IMG_2799.JPGGalootaclaus 2016 80 views11 items, two for chunks of Bodark and Mesquite from Texas, two for chisels needing a boatload of care, a bit holder also needing some help, a box of #7 slotted flat heads from Sweden of all places, dual sheave blocks, a mystery #593 Stanley hammer without faces, a NIB set of 6 Greenlee Irwin style bits, some acid brushes, and a tubular thing that apparently grows that way - never saw anything like this before, but I'm guessing that grew in Texas too. Quite an assortment.Charlie Driggs

Galootaclaus_tools.jpg2016 Tools from Galootaclaus98 viewsUnmarked spoke shave, Pexto chisel, Buck Brothers chisel, unmarked cast steel narrow chisel, spoon bit, and a block of dense wood that will be perfect for scales for knife or tool handles.Sgt42RHR

galootmas2.jpgDelights from Walter30 viewsCandle holders he made himself, and a similarly sourced chisel holder, Witherby chisel and a drawknife both sturdy and ready for the home. Sweetly shaped mallet, curvy wrench (I'd not seen one of these before) and an oil can for obvious uses.curt seeliger
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