Search results - "crosscut" |

20130910_2809ss.jpgElmwood splitting maul ready for duty72 viewsShaped with drawknife, crosscut saw, wide splitting chisel, firmer chisel, spokeshave, chisel hammer & a large rasp.Schwartz

IMG_3984.JPG210 viewsMade another stairs aw, as the old one wasn't very useful in combination with a fence. Used some of the Galootaclaus mesquite sent by our Rev. Hoyt a few years back (thank you again), and a few furniture bolts as clamps for the blade. Blade was cut from a donor saw and hand filed 12 ppi crosscut. Haven't tried it yet, but a project has been waiting for this for quite a while. Starting to hear a higher pitch on "when is that going to be finished?".Charlie Driggs

001.jpgCrosscut saw set spider168 viewsChaz

019.jpgBig Tulip Poplar140 viewsThe 3' or so Poplar in the woods. 42" Disston crosscut saw and axe for scale.Chaz

2010_6295s.jpgMarshal Wells Zenith Z100 ripper (Disston clone) & a Spear & Jackson crosscut awaiting rehab188 viewsSchwartz

2010_6288s.jpgother side of Marshal Wells Zenith Z100 ripper (Disston clone) & a Spear & Jackson crosscut161 viewsSchwartz

2010_6289s.jpgMarshal Wells Zenith Z100 ripper (Disston clone) & a Spear & Jackson crosscut143 viewsSchwartz

058.JPGSet Block Top45 viewsThe tail of this set block is broken. If I find a better one I'll have two.OldSneelock

053.JPGSaw Jointer instructions49 viewsI picked this up in a small shop in Allen, MI. I was on the look out for a 2 man crosscut saw, and figured when I found it I would have to sharpen it.
Kind of a stretch for a user tool at the time but I got the saw eventually and was able to joint and set the saw. Patience is a virtue. OldSneelock

GC_2009_3.JPGGalootaclaus 200928 views*Wow*
George Bishop adjustable rip/crosscut saw.
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