Search results - "dry" |

Egyptian_Chair_Seat_Dry_Fit_sm.jpgView of assembled seat (dry fit)34 views jerkinsj

Chair_Back_Supports_Fitting_sm.jpgInitial dry fit of set back supports37 views jerkinsj

Chair_Back_Dry_Fit_sm.jpgDry fit of seat back - Walnut and American Holly38 viewsNote: dry fit before glue up and before walnut stained black with aniline dye jerkinsj

IMG_20160722_193725.jpgi bin framed19 viewsthe whole frame dry fit with centre rail.dlarue

cherryspoon.jpgcherry spoon 22 viewsroughed out with a drawknife, finished with a Mora and a Pinewood Forge hook knife.
Will let it dry a bit before putting the finishing touches on it.dlarue

Dry_fit_in_the_white.JPGin the white76 viewsdry fit before finishingBrentpmed

linenfold_dryfit.jpgdry fit linenfold chest18 viewshere's the dry fit.
I have put a coat of buttonlac on the carved panels already.
Box is 39 inches long and 18 inches wide.dlarue

WTable1.jpgWalnut table dry fit33 viewsnicknaylo

dryfitdoor.jpgdry fit door74 viewsdry fit of door with panelsdlarue

door_frames~0.jpgdoor frames89 viewsdry fit of the door framesdlarue

door_frames.jpgdoor frames19 viewsdry fit of the closet doorsdlarue

door_number_1.jpgDoor Number 118 viewsdry fit frame for door number 1
Please don't look too close...dlarue