Search results - "files" |

IMG_20150825_191042.jpgroughing out the escapement20 viewsusing a selection of files to make the escapement.
start with a coarse round file, then a milled-tooth file, then a bastard, a mill file, and finally a second cut.dlarue

handle_filing.JPGhandle filing94 viewsGetting the curve right across the handle was time consuming. curving those saw-toothed ridges in an arc was a challenge for me. all of the work was done with files and rasps. Brentpmed

dam_marking_knife.JPGDamascus Marking Knife36 viewsscrap of damascus steel (ebay)
tine from a shed antler
mix with some time, epoxy, drill, files, and sharpening gear, et voila!

IMG_3443.jpgThe rest of the haul165 viewsFrom the estate of a patternmaker. A Type 13 3c, two low angle blocks, a bunch of files, some square shanked twist drills, and other cool stuff.madwing

files1a.JPGJohnson Files48 viewsThe long one is 17 inches, the short one 12-1/4 inches.jjl134

files2a.JPGJohnson File Co Logo (2)52 viewsThe wording says:
Made In U.S.A.
2nd Cutjjl134

files3a.JPGJohnson File Co Logo38 viewsThe wording says:
Made in U.S.A.

Boxes_of_saw___other_files.jpg126 viewsDwight

More_files___hinges_.jpg119 viewsDwight

files___file_handles.jpg114 viewsDwight

2012_9999_8s.jpgShurly-Dietrich Atkins Nikelo84 viewsActually, the box held a harlequin bunch of files...Schwartz

IMG_2672_gic.jpgGclaus 2012 - detail32 viewsFrom Marty Reser, big wooden joiner, drawknife, folding yardstick, two triangle files, one chainsaw filedhahn