Search results - "gouge" |

TOTT-Oct-2017-5.jpgTOTT Oct 2017 517 viewslovely wee gouge, needs honing.dlarue

IMG_20170402_120945.jpgStrange chisel 227 viewsNope, it appears to be an incannel sash mortising socket gouge??dlarue

Galootaclaus2016-3.jpgWoodturner's spindle gouge78 viewssaltchuck

SeptYardSale.jpgyard sale stuff36 viewsa pair of like-new Henry Taylor back bent skewed gouges
and an 8X10 inch Pexto framing square.dlarue

IMG-20150512-00290.jpgold gouges17 viewsflint gouges
note how polished these are, not the rough flaked stone tools you normally seedlarue

100_5718.JPGlayout lines18 viewsnote the layout lines along the tops of the stopped grooves.
Also see the apparent remains of an old paint job.
No one was looking so I ran my fingers along these grooves.
They are quite uneven in depth near the ends, but along the straight parts seems quite good.
Probably scraped, and finished with a gouge.dlarue

TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue

I_H_Sorby.jpgI & H Sorby scribing gouges23 viewsI & H Sorby scribing gouges 7,9,11,13,15,17 sixteenthsdlarue

gc2014.jpgFrom my GC, Rudy Desjardins80 viewsA great haul, from left: the "American Blacksmithing, Toolsmiths' and Steelworkers' Manual" by Holmstrom and Holford, a pre-Bahco Öberg 14" single-cut smooth mill file, a 1" Keen Kutter firmer chisel re-handled by James Thompson (the old Millrat), and a vintage Marples & Sons 3/8" outcannel gouge. Thanks, Rudy!madwing

20140806_1713ss.jpgW. Butcher gouge101 viewstapered spigot with no ferruleSchwartz

20140815_1728ss.jpgnew ferrule coing up!132 viewsgouge and brass fitting mounted to Handy collett chuck, shaped dowel in existing tang holeSchwartz

IMG_3442.jpgThe chisels111 views15 lathe chisels (mostly Buck Bros.), seven crank-necked parers (Buck Bros.), 4 crank-necked gouges (Buck Bros.), a Buck and a Greenlee paring chisel with a Buck gouge between, and three Herring Bros. gouges at the bottom; these were all from a patternmaker's estate. The roll at the top is a set of 17 Beevel (Germany) carving chisels, a leather hammer, and an India stone slip; these came from another seller.madwing