Search results - "grinder" |

IMG_1740.JPGbench -- looking from north to south, with general purpose bench40 viewsthe GP bench is on the right (grinders, etc); the neanderbuddy and occasionally used contractor size saw are both on rolling bases, which helps a great deal in this tight shop.Charlie Driggs

MoxonPerhaps.JPGWNY 2011 - Threading Tools97 viewsWestern NY Galootapalooza
I brought my 1 1/4 inch threadbox and the nut grinder I made to go with it. We threaded a maple screw and cut internal threads in a block of walnut. Moxon vise, anyone?dlarue

IMG_0203.JPGLuther No. 86 Hand Grinder106 viewsjjl134

IMG_0204.JPGLuther No. 86 Hand Grinder92 viewsjjl134

grinder_6.jpgWatch Makers Hammer?238 viewsNot an old tool other than design...France on the handle H. R. stamped on one side of the head...roy griggs

grinder.jpgKeystone grinder cleaned up197 viewsroy griggs

flea_finds_4_16_05_002.jpgKeystone grinder as found189 viewsroy griggs

DSCN4097.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co. table 188 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN4094.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co.181 viewsMy new favorite grinder, didn't even know how good it was. nicknaylo

Chapman_movable_forge.JPGChapman No. 6 Portable Forge Treadle Grinder160 viewsFound this at an antique shop while searching for LOML's birthday present.OldSneelock

Chapman_Movable_Forge_Treadle_Grinder_Clutch.JPGTreadle Grinder Clutch101 viewsFrom the looks of the layout there was a strap attached to the two screws on the left hand hub of the clutch. When the pedal is pushed down the strap unwinds causing the clutch to engage and rotate the shaft and large flat belt pulley. When the pedal is released the clutch ratchets back and resets for another pulse.

Workshop_-__wet_grinder_and_stuff.JPGWorkshop - Wet grinder121 viewsI've only used this a couple times, but it's there when I need it.OldSneelock
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