Search results - "handyman" |

w1.JPGW34 viewsCollection of small, plastic handled drivers. These work, but are ugly. Two Yankee Handyman No 233H and a nameless drill with no bits. $1curt seeliger

020.JPGStanley Handyman Brace66 viewsStanley Handyman No. H1253AOldSneelock
galootaclaus_2009_(2).jpgGalootaclaus 2009278 viewsThanks to my Galootaclaus Peter Robinson of Australia for the following great items:
A plastic handled Stanley Phillips head screwdriver converted into a marking awl, a couple of pieces each of Queen's Ebony and curly Jarrah, Sharmanco copy of Record 040, a small dovetail chisel and a copy of The Handyman's Book.jerkinsj

DrillGuages2-07.JPGDrill Gauges153 viewsMore stuff from Charlie's box of wonders. I don't know, those look nicer than the ones I got from the Handyman Club of Americadaveldr