Search results - "jig" |

finds.jpgGarage sale finds July 201530 viewsNifty old panel saw, screw/nail wall chart and jig saw blades. nicknaylo

gazebo1.JPGgazebo 125 viewswhite pine gable trim we made using jigsaw, hole saw, coping saw, and brace & bit. Kathy turned the finials from poplar.dlarue

2013_2442s.jpgSaw-filing jig - topside94 viewsAdapted from Brent Beach.Schwartz

2013_2443s.jpgSaw-filing jig - underside52 viewsAdapted from Brent Beach.Schwartz

angle_iron_clamp.jpgdovetail layout jig35 viewsfor tiny little drawers like these, a piece of angle iron and a couple of spring clamps work great.dlarue

centerjig.jpgCenter-drilling setup for making spool clamps48 viewsGreg Isola

splay.JPGSplayed chair legs test51 viewsDoug Fir plank to test out leg angle jignicknaylo

153.jpgpedal jig saw120 viewsBack side of the saw, straightward constructionjohn krau

decatur_bridge_036.jpgwood jigsaw101 viewsFactory built pedal jigsaw, belt driven, as seen at swapmeetjohn krau

Tapering_jig-top_view.JPGTapered Octagon Marking Jig-Top view126 viewsHere you can see the drywall screws whose points mark the cut lines on the square tapered post.Sgt42RHR