Search results - "joinery" |

joinery_small.jpgjoinery28 viewsyou can see the peg through the M&T jointdlarue

Chair_back_support_joinery_sm.jpgView of mortises for seat back support30 viewsjerkinsj

IMG_0368.JPGcloseup16 viewspeering closely with a flashlight to see the joinery details.
what a weirdo, eh?dlarue

Linen_lining_installed_and_trimmed-ready_for_the_leather.JPGExterior lining trimmed and ready for leather204 viewsNext step is to adhere the 2-3 ounce black leather to the trunk body--thereby hiding the really nice joinery that went into making this trunk!Sgt42RHR

IMG_2973.JPGSide rails to end hoop, joinery detail53 viewsCharlie Driggs

IMG_0206.JPGJoinery - Legs148 viewsGlued and wedged with the same Goncalo Alves as the head (same wedge material on my workbench and sawbench too).TRexF16

IMG_0208.JPGJoinery - Treadle151 viewsSlightly non-standard tusk-tennon since the main mortise and tennon cheeks are at an 80 degree angle to the arm, so the tusk has to have its bearing face cut at that angle too.TRexF16

IMG_0202.JPGJoinery - Head 178 viewsThe plan called for knock-down tusk tennons top and bottom on the arm, which was to allow the horse to be disassembled to move it, but I figured only one end needed that to achieve that effect, so I decided to just drawbore and double-wedge the head to the arm, and only tusk the treadle for knock-down purposes. This joint matches the ones on my sawbench and workbench, which I like, so I kept 'em going.TRexF16

IMG_1308.JPG6) The box joinery118 viewsI decided to make a simple little benchtop catch-all for holding tools and dodads during projects. I cut dados for the dividers and recessed the bottom for a, ...well...bottom.TRexF16

DSCN0015A.JPG128 viewsThe package I received before Thanksgiving contained several items. First were the two books, a general book of projects and wood working techniques. Its perfect for a newbie like me. there was also a book on joinery, which I started reading right away. Also in the box were four pieces of wood labeled as you see in the image, that’s purpleheart on the bottom, and Stanley rasp. Most impressive of all were the six tools.Pete Wood
IMG_1238_(2)_box_op_3.jpg143 viewsHere you can see that the box has various sighns of a box built in the early 1900s. Note flat head screws. Allso the joinery has pieces of metal bands and corner brackets. The top brackets are missing but the mortise lines and shape denote corner brackets.KellysW

IMG_0995.JPGTop stretcher joint312 viewsThe top short stretchers on the end units only have the double drawbore, but not the wedged through tenons due to the possibility of spliting out the top of the legs. The primary purpose of these stretchers is to stiffen the end unit and prevent any sag in the middle of the top.TRexF16
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