Search results - "makers" |

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

DSCN1071.JPGpresumed pattern makers chest15 viewschest is from Hamilton area, a big steel town. There are a number of things that yell "pattern maker" in the chest.dlarue

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

raising_hammer.jpgRaising/sinking/boilermakers hammer23 views3.5 lbs, since traded away for a lighter rounding hammer, and now sorely missed. nicknaylo

New_hammer_001.jpgNew hammer 1175 viewsNo makers mark and don't know if its a planishing hammer or what!! but I like it
roy griggs

Paper_handle_chisel_makerstampdetail.JPG70 viewsPaul

EdFirthChisel.jpgEDWD FIRTH27 viewsmakers markdlarue

spearjackson_medallion.jpgmedallion146 viewsThe medallion has the Spear and Jackson logo in the center with "Spear&Jackson Sheffield" with the crown logo at its center. The outer ring of the medallion states "All saws branded Spear&Jackson are fully warranted" Then inside of that: "Spear&Jackson have an experience as saw makers extending over 160 years"Brentpmed

plough3.jpgPlough Mark104 viewsMakers mark for screw arm plough plane writt

Round_trunk_label.JPGJohnston & Davidson Trukmakers label222 viewsPhotoshopped from an 18th century original.Sgt42RHR

grinder_6.jpgWatch Makers Hammer?238 viewsNot an old tool other than design...France on the handle H. R. stamped on one side of the head...roy griggs

HOA___WET_molding_planes_from_Henry_Ambrose.JPGMolding Planes from the Ambrose-Brown farm130 viewsThe molding plane on the top with W.E.T. i)nitials carved does not have a readable maker's mark. The bottom beading plane with HOA initials carved carries the makers mark of John Cogdell (London 1750-1765), and belonged to Henry Osborne Ambrose my GGGrandfather (1799 - 1875), a carpenter who lived in Petersburg, VA and Sussex County, Virginia. I was able to sharpen blades on both planes and they work perfectly!Sgt42RHR