Search results - "mitre" |

Big_and_little_mitre_boxes.jpgLittle brother and big brother132 viewsA 12 inch Millers Falls mitrebox and a big Stanley mitrebox. Both with Disston saws each with 1896-1917 PHILADA medallions. Both saws came with their respective mitreboxes. Neither have been sharpened but both cut quickly and smoothly. I use both of these a lot. The little Millers Falls is just perfect for moulding and small bits.Sgt42RHR

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saws.jpgDisston Mitrebox saws116 viewsBoth Disstons, both with 1896-1917 PHILADA medallions. One saw has a 16 inch blade and the other a 28 inch blade. Both cut smoothly and have not been sharpened by me. Both saws were present with their respective mitreboxes.Sgt42RHR

MF_mitre_box.jpgMillers-Falls #16 1/2 mitre box142 viewsThis mitre box is completely unmarked as to maker or model but appears to be identical to the Millers Falls #16 1/2 12 inch mitre box. I added the cherry base for clamping to my workbench.Sgt42RHR

MF_mitre_box_and_saw~0.jpgMillers-Falls #16 1/2 mitre box and Disston saw144 viewsThe mitrebox is completely unmarked but appears to be identical to the Millers Falls #16 1/2 12" model. The saw with with the box when I got it and is a Disston with a 16 inch blade and a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. I've not sharpened the saw but it cuts smoothly so that little clean up is required.Sgt42RHR

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saw_handles.jpgMitre box saw handles98 viewsThe smaller of the two is a Disston 16 inch saw blade with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The larger of the two is a Disston 28 inch saw blade, also with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The smaller saw is unmarked while the large saw has owner's initials stamped on the handle and the spine. Both saws came with the mitre boxes.Sgt42RHR

oliver.jpgOliver No. 2 Mitre Trimmer28 viewsI owned this for a few years, finally sold it to reclaim 16 square feet of shop space. But I miss it still. dlarue

mitrehooksml.jpgMitre Hook123 viewsSimple paring guide can be made to suit any angle or desired job, especially useful for fussy repetitive tasks.Schwartz

2012_8525s.jpgDetail of MF 1285C All Steel mitre box132 viewsWanted: 2 Knurled nuts or knobs to fit threaded portion of spring-loaded elevator release pulls on both posts. One is in foreground directly above the red MF tag, the other in the background, just above the fence line.Schwartz

Mitre_Jack_in_bench_vise.JPGMitre Jack186 viewsI bought this mitre jack from a tool dealer (Peter ?) when I was visiting Herstmonceaux Castle in England. It's a bit shy of 24 inches long, has a holding capacity of a little over 10 inches, the jaws are just over 5 inches tall. It is stamped all over with HOBDEN. The screw support on the right will be planed and reglued.Sgt42RHR

unglued_crank_support_in_mitre_jack.JPGThe weak spot186 viewsThe weak spot. The support for the handle end of the screw had come unglued at least once in its life. I planed clean surfaces, reglued, and used heavy clamps. I'm wondering about the wisdom of a couple of long thin screws in addition to the reglue?Sgt42RHR

mitre_jack_jaw_faces.JPGMitre jack jaw faces170 viewsSomeone (Mr. Hobden perhaps? His name is stamped all over this tool) appear to have taken care when arranging the grain for the jaw faces.Sgt42RHR