Search results - "nib" |

IMG_2799.JPGGalootaclaus 2016 80 views11 items, two for chunks of Bodark and Mesquite from Texas, two for chisels needing a boatload of care, a bit holder also needing some help, a box of #7 slotted flat heads from Sweden of all places, dual sheave blocks, a mystery #593 Stanley hammer without faces, a NIB set of 6 Greenlee Irwin style bits, some acid brushes, and a tubular thing that apparently grows that way - never saw anything like this before, but I'm guessing that grew in Texas too. Quite an assortment.Charlie Driggs

nib.jpgold saw nib44 viewsthe nib makes the saw seem old but handle is kinda blocky.dlarue

old_saw.jpgold saw23 viewsold saw with patented nuts, nib too-flat handle.dlarue

stone.jpgstone31 viewsNIB carborundum double sided stone

Disston_#12__6_a.jpgDisston #12 '96-'17 ships saw as found231 viewsStraight back no nib 26" 6 3/16" at heel originally it was 6 1/4"roy griggs

WM_full1.JPGWoodrough & McParlin full view70 viewsApparently, the nib is actually kitty food.curt seeliger

IMG_0998.JPGDetail of face vise round-over371 viewsFor the face vise round-over detail, I layed out the radius, nibbled away on the waste side with my table saw, and then used a shoulder plane and block plane to smooth it down to the curved line. Even though there are no vises yet on the bench, I can still use my holdfast through the dog holes of the assembled top/base to hold the work rock-solid. This is the first work I've ever done on a totally rigid bench and it's great!TRexF16

nib_1740.jpg1740 English saw with nib75 viewsbwelch

moxon_nib_1678.jpgSaw with nib from Moxon in 167879 viewsbwelch

Dutch_nib_1718.jpg1718 Dutch saw with nib91 viewsbwelch

IMG_3623.JPGJohn Spear saw/ another pitch change view at nib57 viewsdavel
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