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Cabinet_front.jpgCabinet front closed152 viewsThe carcase and frame is all made from a single 40 year old air dried Appalachian black walnut board. The two panels are resawn and book matched from a single off cut of Indiana black walnut saved from the burn pile. The finish is four coals of 1-pound cut amber shellac, well rubbed out with 0000 steel wood after each coat. The whole is finished with a coat of Liberon brown paste wax. The knob is an ebony violin tuning peg. Closure is achieved by a rare earth magnet and a steel screw.Sgt42RHR

Folding_Chair_Paul_Sandby-View_near_the_Serpentine_River_during_the_Encampment_1780.jpgPaul Sandby 1780-View near the Serpentine River during the Encampment34 viewsA pencil, pen and watercolour drawing of the Serpentine river in Hyde Park during the encampment set up during the Gordon Riots in 1780. A large mess tent at centre back, with soldiers, camp followers and dogs by the tree-lined water. A girl with a wheelbarrow on the left, an officer on a folding chair at far right. Inscribed in pencil on the mount, 'Hyde Park during the Encampment 1780Sgt42RHR

Hammer2.jpganother view of marking on the head84 views*town* for sure as the last four lettersSgt42RHR

IMG_20170807_165136.jpgpair of stools22 viewspair of stools for Thescorre Courtdlarue

BB_classes.JPGgreenwood classes32 viewsthe two days prior to the Bodgers Ball had a lot of courses in the big marquee.dlarue

ThatGuy.jpgI am not That Guy anymore46 viewsYou know, that guy. There's one in every neighbourhood?
Used to be me, but not anymore.
Yes, my neighbour is building a BOAT in his living room.dlarue

galootmas2.jpgDelights from Walter30 viewsCandle holders he made himself, and a similarly sourced chisel holder, Witherby chisel and a drawknife both sturdy and ready for the home. Sweetly shaped mallet, curvy wrench (I'd not seen one of these before) and an oil can for obvious uses.curt seeliger

Massachusetts_low_chest_dovetails1.jpgDovetailed drawers99 viewsI made the four drawers when I got home from the class. I used dividers to maintain the same spacing ratio on each of the drawers, even though the number of tails changed with each drawer.Sgt42RHR

glazing_on_top_door.jpgMuntins87 viewsThere are four rows and three columns of lights. A little dark oil-based glaze was applied at the fillets and then wiped away with a mineral spirits soaked rag, the detail of the moulding really jumps out with the shadow lines.Sgt42RHR

boiling.jpgBoiling26 viewshere is our cheap and easy maple syrup boiler.
A couple of steam table trays and some fire bricks.
The vent hose is for the forge blower to crank up the fire.dlarue

bowl_demo.jpgrobin turns24 viewsRobin Wood demo at Northwoods school, photo courtesy of Estherdlarue

Pic_2.jpg24 viewsDowned section of an english walnut tree. The tree died in our yard last year for no apparent reason.Gary K
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