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door_lock_escutheon_plate.jpgDoor lock escutcheon plate73 viewsAll the hardware is from Ball & Ball. Good people to deal with.Sgt42RHR

IMG-20150513-00320.jpgcarved after assembly again20 viewsyou can see where the two layers of wood shifted.
were the joiner and carver two different jobs?
two different people perhaps?dlarue

DSCN3474.JPGBottle opener from a RR spike. 81 viewsa lot of people make crappy, heavy knives from railroad spikes. I've tried and failed to do even that much. But bottle openers I seem to be able to do! nicknaylo

DaveAdams-DaveLucier-BrettonWade-GaryCaron55-07.JPGDave Adams, Dave Lucier, Bretton Wade, Gary Caron, Stanley55115 viewsDave Lucier brought out a 55 and set up a beading blade for people to try outdaveldr

Tony_Jack.jpgTony & Jack105 viewsTony Seo and the late Jack Kamishlian at the upstate NY Galoot Gathering, summer of 1999.Tom11

Tom_Ralph.jpgTom & Ralph136 viewsWhen Ralph Brendler came to Livermore, CA to teach a Shaker Box class for the BAGs, at Manny Hernandez's place, April 2005Tom11

Bill_Tom.jpgBill & Tom141 viewsBill Kasper & Tom Holloway at BAGathering Sep. 06, Larry McVoy's place.Tom11

Tom_Ron.jpgTom Holloway & Ron Hock232 viewsAt Japan Woodworker, Alameda, CA, Nov. 2003, holding Type 11 Stanley #5 jack equipped with Hock blade & cap iron--sweet.Tom11