Search results - "punch" |

H1.jpgCrosspeen and plug32 viewsplug from punching the handle hole on the anvil. nicknaylo

finds.jpgGarage Sale finds, 10/1499 viewsfrom top to bottom:
* looks like a pair of tin snips, or side cutters for sheet metal, or ? a definite whatsit.
* a 3/8" drive thorsen ratchet handle
* a russell green river works sharpening steel destined to be a center punch, and
* a "Germany US Zone" ratcheting screwdriver with a solid blade.madwing

punches.JPGForged for blacksmithing class109 viewsthese were made from steel drawn off of a jackhammer bit. on the right is the first tool, a 1/4" round punch. on the left is a 1/8" x 5/8" slit punch. they are ready for hardening and tempering.madwing

2014-03-08_13-15-35_112.jpgPost Vise Bracket strap59 views3/8 thick by 2 x 10. 1.25 slots punched on either endnicknaylo

tott_apr_2013_1.JPGtott apr 201329 viewshaul from apr tools of the trade sale.
8 pieces of 5/16 threaded rod, coping saw, pair of M Crannel ogee planes, 3 hacksaw blades, 3 twist bit augers, a rivet setting tool, leather punch, Stanley 63 round bottom shave, cute little boxwood shave, 3 small stones and a ceramic stone.dlarue

GC2012-2.jpgGalootaclaus 201299 viewsHoldfast, turned mallet, leather punch and thin, clear plank. nicknaylo

flea_mkt_2.jpgnothing over $3134 viewsMore clutter for the shop...
MAC tools 1/4" #'s
Horror freight 3/16" #'s and ltrs
craftsman screwdriver bits
Southington square
!/4" ratchet, gasket punch, sm. sledge, NOS handleroy griggs

100_4611.JPGFeb 11 2012 auction haul53 viewsHere's my haul. 4 braces, 5 screwdrivers, two hand drills, a MF saw blade punch, and a Stanley #46 skew combination plane. dlarue

sept__2011_last_018.JPGWoodworker tool roll270 viewsThis is a World War II bring back. Japanese woodworkers tool roll. 4 spoon bits, chisels, T handle in wood, 4 hammers, one steel punch, blacksmith tongs, flat scraper?, 2 long handled needle tools. 2 tiny triangular needle scrapers? Never been used, only 3 loops unfilled. Any ideas?john krau

2082ss.jpgSawschmeid tooth punch?142 viewsBig leverage!Schwartz

DSCN3781.JPGCounterpunch practice58 viewsa series of correct reading letter punches, missing 4 letters of my name. Practice letter Nnicknaylo

DSCN3181.JPGBlacksmiths toolbox64 viewskind of like a shallow ammo crate. clenched nails all throughout,hammers and tongs all fit, though the tongs hang on the anvil rack. punches and chisels on the lid. About 75 lbs when full. nicknaylo
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