Search results - "purpleheart" |

hook2.jpgcrochet hook extender23 viewspress fit in purpleheart nicknaylo

hook1.jpgcrochet hook extender22 viewsin purpleheart, turned on the treadle lathe. nicknaylo

2013_2434s.jpgGalootaclaus gifts from Pete Leenhouts 201280 viewsA stunning Purpleheart plank and an Osage Orange turning blank.Schwartz

013.jpg3 P/H 48 views(top) Bearclaw pine
(middle) PurpleHeart
(bottom) Canarywoodroy griggs

Moxon_style_vise-front_view.JPGMoxon style vise - front view248 viewsThis Moxon style vise is made from a knotty (and very gnarly) length of Purpleheart. The jaws are about 27 inches long, the right angle brace glued to the rear jaw is about 33 inches long. The jaws are about 7 inches tall bringing their top edge to about 40 inches from the floor. The jaws are about 7/8 inch thick. The maple hand screw threads are 1 1/4 inches. There is about 21 inches between the screws. I used an old 1/4 inch beading plane to bead the top and bottom edges of the front jaw.Sgt42RHR

DSC04029.JPGFile Handle Lineup182 viewsJust for fun, here are all the handles involved in this little adventure. At top is the boxwood handle available from Lee Valley that I used as "inspiration." Below that are the two London pattern handles I made from lyptus, with the second handle mounted on the file. At bottom is the first (in this exercise) handle I made from purpleheart. Ferrules for the lyptus handles are the 1" size sold by Lee Valley. That for the purpleheart handle used to be a flare nut.Chuck Myers

DSC04021.JPGPurpleheart File Handle188 viewsThis is a really basic file handle, or at least the turning is. I bought a new mill file and needed a handle for it. Found a piece of purpleheart scrap that would serve the purpose, though it was a little smaller than I would have preferred. Sometimes you just have to live with the dimensions the wood gives you. Ferrule is made from 5/8" flare nut.Chuck Myers

tools-bubinga-purpleheart_mallet.jpgPurpleheart Mallet178 viewsroy griggs
GClaus_Richard_Rombold_(14)_(Medium).jpgPurpleheart, Maple, Walnut, cork padded, sanding blocks146 viewsContour handled sanding blockstjh12glen
GClaus_Richard_Rombold_(15)_(Medium).jpgOak and Purpleheart fingerjointed Galootaclaus Box113 viewsRichard Rombold's fine boxtjh12glen

DSCN0015A.JPG128 viewsThe package I received before Thanksgiving contained several items. First were the two books, a general book of projects and wood working techniques. Its perfect for a newbie like me. there was also a book on joinery, which I started reading right away. Also in the box were four pieces of wood labeled as you see in the image, that’s purpleheart on the bottom, and Stanley rasp. Most impressive of all were the six tools.Pete Wood

IMG_0288~0.jpgKnives63 viewsI found this 4" PEXTO drawknife without one handle. So I made a pair of new handles for it from purpleheart. I heated the finished handles with a heat gun while they were spinning in the lathe until they turned almost black. I still have the original handle in case anybody needs it. The ferrules were made from brass compression nuts.Oldmillrat
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