Search results - "railroad" |

DSCN4094.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co.181 viewsMy new favorite grinder, didn't even know how good it was. nicknaylo

DSCN3474.JPGBottle opener from a RR spike. 81 viewsa lot of people make crappy, heavy knives from railroad spikes. I've tried and failed to do even that much. But bottle openers I seem to be able to do! nicknaylo

005.JPGTool from the days haul147 viewsDon't spend a lot of time looking at my old bench. It was build by an old rockhound. I obtained this from my last house 1922 Arts and crafts bungalow. Any way the items on the bench are Disston 6tpi, Sargant moulding plane, Fillister plane, railroad pick headC&NW, #21 Stanley square, a no name square, ( a bit rusty but staight) a reamer and two plow plane irons, allso a not identified wood plane missing an iron and wedge, It has some damage on the back center portion.KellysW