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gc2017.jpgGC 2017 Gifts52 viewsA hearty "thank you" to my gifter, Stuart Minuskin. Inside the flat rate box was a Chris Vesper chip-carving knife, a new headlamp, a pocket Stanley Tool reference book, a nicely turned pen, a calendar from Queensland for the shop, and a "The Tool Exchange" t-shirt. Merry Christmas, Stuart!madwing

Ready_to_cut.jpgSlab Desk37 viewsGetting ready to cut the top. Note reference lines drawn to maintain 90 degrees with ends as there are no straight edges. After this cut, a friend's track saw was used to make them 45 degrees.jerkinsj

100_4506.JPGshrink pot tools30 viewsSpear & Jackson gouge with long handle, backed up by a big heavy oak mallet. Quirk router to cut the croze for the bottom. Crooked knife (LV 06D10.32), Ben Orford spoon knife. 4" square for reference.dlarue

DSC00796.JPGGalootaclaus 2010 - Note from Galootaclaus192 viewsNote from Mike S with explanation of the many gifts packed into that enormous boxOldSneelock

DSC00797.JPGGalootaclaus 2010167 viewsIn the front there is the Disston Thumb Hole Saw. Behind that is the Surface finish gauge, and the Atkins Hand Saw. At the very back is the saw till.
Mike sent along a very nice note explaining what the gifts meant.OldSneelock

Reference_grooves_cut_with_I__Sorby_and_Record_044_plough_planes.JPGReference grooves cut with I. Sorby and Record 044 plough planes211 viewsI used an I. Sorby wooden plough plane to cut the central groove, and a Record 044 plough plane to cut the grooves on each side. The black magic marker on each edge creates an easy reference for when to stop cutting on each edge.Sgt42RHR

Reference_grooves_cut--ready_for_shoulder_plane.JPGGrooves cut ready for shoulder plane177 viewsSgt42RHR

Removing_waste_with_shoulder_plane.JPGRemoving waste with a shoulder plane164 viewsI used a shoulder plane--in conjunction with the reference grooves made with the plough planes--to bring the surface down close to the pencil line.Sgt42RHR

Made_a_shooting_board_to_hold_the_staves_while_planing_inside_hollow.JPGSticking board and hollowing inside of staves243 viewsI sink several grooves with plow planes to remove waste wood and to make reference lines. Then use shoulder plane to remove most of the rest of the waste, then the #18 Round plane. I will finish with the purpose-built cambered plane blade in a Stanley No. 80 cabinet scraper.Sgt42RHR

Doberman_bust-full_size.jpgThings53 viewsThis is a life sized bust of my beloved Doberman, "Angel." I made this bust shortly after she died using photographs for reference. "Angel" was a fawn colored Doberman, and the color shown is close to reality.Oldmillrat

The_Building_in_Berlin.jpgBerlin building containing carved stone Galoot images64 viewsThe Martin-Gropius Building was built as a museum of arts and crafts to plans by Martin Gropius and Heino Schmieden in 1877-81, the building is just a hundred meters away from Potsdamer Platz. The elevation is sub-divided into a granite pedestal, two evenly de-signed main storeys and a top storey marked off by a frieze with mosaic and terracotta panels between the windows showing references to the various branches and eras of arts an crafts.Sgt42RHR