Search results - "replacement" |

100_5784.JPGbackside16 viewsback of a chest, obvious repairs and replacements, newer wood, empty peg holes. shims, nails, etcdlarue

r1.JPGr151 viewsR: Millers Falls No 12 breast drill. With a three position crank and two speeds, what more could you want? A built in level?? OK, it has that too. It does NOT have the side handle, but you can make a replacement out of that curly bubinga you've been saving just for this. $10
curt seeliger

r2.JPGr240 viewsR: Millers Falls No 12 breast drill. With a three position crank and two speeds, what more could you want? A built in level?? OK, it has that too. It does NOT have the side handle, but you can make a replacement out of that curly bubinga you've been saving just for this. $10
curt seeliger

r3.JPGr335 viewsR: Millers Falls No 12 breast drill. With a three position crank and two speeds, what more could you want? A built in level?? OK, it has that too. It does NOT have the side handle, but you can make a replacement out of that curly bubinga you've been saving just for this. $10
curt seeliger

28_2011_7392.jpgBritish Arts & Crafts replacement hardware98 viewsThe chest was found with these handles. They were the second replacement to the originals, based on inspection of the drawer-front wear patterns. They exemplify an inverted heart motif associated with CFA Voysey, architect and designer of the British Arts & Crafts era. 1850-1915. This design was registered in 1909: the registration number was stamped on the back.Schwartz
IMG_1455_(800x600).jpgcomparison rear view91 viewsPlane came with brown stained hardwood tote and knob secured to the sole with WWII style steel one-piece rods - of course these could be replacements. Frog fits fine but does not seem to be stanley. Has twisted lateral (to form thumb piece) with no markings, not two-piece, and small brass adjuster. TRexF16

035.JPGWitherby & Parr chisels65 viewsThe bottom one is the George Parr chisel after the repairs are completed and with the new handleOldSneelock

034.JPGCrude wire holder for friction heated wire.43 viewsI cobbled up a handle for the wire so I could try it.OldSneelock

033.JPGNew handle39 viewsI tried the friction heated wire decorations for the first time on this one and it worked pretty well.OldSneelock

Pad_saw_-_about_14_inches_long.JPGEbony and brass pad saw167 viewsHandle appears to be ebony, the overall length is about 14 inches, although it appears that some of the tip of the blade is broken off. The screw securing the brass ferrule to the handle is oversize and appears to be a modern replacement. The blade is surprisingly sharp.Sgt42RHR
Date added=Apr 30, 2009 Washington_bed_Conservators_interpretation_of_stretcher_bar[1].jpg](../../../../../../../components/cpgalbums/userpics/10164/thumb_Washington_bed_Conservators_interpretation_of_stretcher_bar%5b1%5d-2.jpg)
Washington_bed_Conservators_interpretation_of_stretcher_bar[1].jpgRecreated stretcher bar for Washington bed131 viewsThe stretcher bar (spreader bar?) was missing from the original Washington bed, here is the replacement the conservator made; I'll probably do something just like this in shape. If you look hard on the left rail, you can make out the mortise with a open sloped side to allow the bar to slide in. On the other side it's a regular mortise.Sgt42RHR

chestfrtdetail.JPGChest of Drawers, front detail163 viewsYou can see the inlay, the beauty of the wood and its color, and the replacement brass handle.madwing
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