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BB_cleft_gates.JPGcleft gates27 viewsone of the bodgers riving chestnut for gates.dlarue

022.JPGFroe blade side view30 viewsThe sharpened edge is on the bottom. The handle was rotted away to just splinters and I've not replaced it. The handle was flush with the bottom of the eye and extended about 15 inches above the eye.OldSneelock

023.JPGForge welded froe blade33 viewsI picked up this blade a number of years ago and I'm no longer sure where it came from. You can see the line of the weld joint where the two sides are not completely joined.
It has been hit with a hard hammer of some kind in the past causing the top of the blade to mushroomOldSneelock

DSC04033.JPGTang Insertion95 viewsAnother closeup, this one of the tang inserted into the handle. Using Miller Dowel bits works really well for the drilling. They produce a stepped hole that works well with the tang's taper, providing a tight fit just by driving the handle on. No burning in needed, though that probably wouldn't hurt. The gap resulting from using a round hole for a rectangular cross section is obvious here. This doesn't seem to create any problems in use, but some might not like the way it looks.Chuck Myers

PICT0374.JPGSan Francisco Plane79 viewsan unofficial Galootaclaus from my brother who was saying thanks for watching the kids and driving them to the airport at 3:30 in the morning for their vacation to San Fran.Ken Cutting