Search results - "rock" |

Galootaclaus_2017.jpgGalootaclaus 201764 viewsSuch a thoughtful and bountiful gift box! Galootaclaus rocks!Sgt42RHR

IMG_20160724_154555.jpghandy tool for wedge mortise layout25 viewsnever used this one in anger before, but wow, it rocks for laying out tusk tenon mortises! The square blade is used to wrap the mortise locations from one face to the other, the bevel dictates the angle.dlarue

sunlight_to_see_grain.JPGOutside76 viewsBefore rockers and corbels. photo outside to show grain, gratuitous pic of my Aussie, HenryBrentpmed

sense_of_scale.JPGSense of scale86 viewsMy Grandson's new rocking chair next to an adult sized Stickley Brentpmed

first_use.JPGGrandson in new chair83 viewsIt rocks, It really rocks. Brentpmed

grandson_in_chair.JPGGrandson in new chair79 viewsIt rocks, It really rocks. Brentpmed

Hatchets.jpgcarving hatchets20 viewsThese are my carving hatchets.
Little one is a James Smart Brockville product.
Larger one has a makers mark that I don't recognize.dlarue

Bedrock604BeforeScaled.jpgBedrock604Before130 viewsBedrock 604 "As Found"saltchuck

Bedrock604AfterScaled.jpgBedrock604After142 viewsBedrock 604 after cleanupsaltchuck

Thonnet_Chaise.jpgThonet Rocking Chaise78 viewsFrom Vienna Applied Arts Museum (Museum fur Angewandte Kunst - MAK). Rocking Chaise ca 1890. Beechwood, partly bent, stained brown, cane. "One of the most elegant and formally most self evident products of the Thonet manufacture." from room brochure.jerkinsj

Galootaclaus_2012.JPGGalootaclaus 2012198 viewsElf Scott Garrison is both prescient and creative! I now have a CD recording of fiddle and guitar performance of music from Thomas Jefferson's library, a set of lovely 17th century French playing cards (now I really have to finish that folding table), Kauffman's wonderful book on Early American Copper, Tin & Brass, a bottle of Old Brown Glue (now I have no excuse not to use hide glue on my next project), and a bottle of beeswax and orange oi wood conditioner (and I've got an old family rocker that's going Sgt42RHR

DSCN1567_2.JPGSharpening Rock75 viewsIt turns out it is not a sharpening stone, it is a sharpening rock - at least 1/2 a rockRuby