Search results - "rocker" |

sunlight_to_see_grain.JPGOutside76 viewsBefore rockers and corbels. photo outside to show grain, gratuitous pic of my Aussie, HenryBrentpmed

Galootaclaus_2012.JPGGalootaclaus 2012198 viewsElf Scott Garrison is both prescient and creative! I now have a CD recording of fiddle and guitar performance of music from Thomas Jefferson's library, a set of lovely 17th century French playing cards (now I really have to finish that folding table), Kauffman's wonderful book on Early American Copper, Tin & Brass, a bottle of Old Brown Glue (now I have no excuse not to use hide glue on my next project), and a bottle of beeswax and orange oi wood conditioner (and I've got an old family rocker that's going Sgt42RHR

IMG_2972.JPGheirloom cradle64 viewsbreaks down quickly into four major parts, plus the three slats, a mattress board (a made a new one from 1/4" birch ply), and a custom made mattress from fleece & vinyl wrapped foam. The rockers are close to 32" wide, hoops about 24", height .. well, if you want more exact dimensions, email me!Charlie Driggs

#113-Compass-Plane-on-Work.jpgStanley 113 Circular Plane on Rocking Chair Runner191 viewsCompass plane set for curvature of ash rocking chair runner.
NOTE: this is NOT the Craftsman style rocker that also appears in this gallery - only an inexpensively made production-run rocker. slongley

#113-Compass-Plane-on-Side.jpgStanley 113 Circular Plane & Rocking Chair Runner171 viewsCompass plane among ash shavings from rocking chair runner.
NOTE: this is NOT the Craftsman style rocker that also appears in this gallery - only an inexpensively made production-run rocker.slongley

2008-12_014.JPGRocker Replacement72 viewsReplaced rocker on 50 year old child's rocking chair.GalootFrank

Mesquite_Rocker_5.jpgMesquite Rocker156 viewsLarge rocker, now putting out white powder.GalootFrank
April_2008_032_(Large).jpgMesquite Rocker144 viewsShowing sap wood with bugs.GalootFrank
April_2008_031_(Large).jpgMesquite Rocker116 viewsMesquite bugsGalootFrank
Craftsman_Rocking_Chair_(3-4_view).JPGCraftsman Rocking Chair (3-4 view)266 viewsUncompleted Craftsman Style Rocking Chair made at the Homestead Heritage hand tool class in April 2007.
Left to be finished at this stage is "softening" the arm edges, shaping the rocker ends and top of back stiles, attaching the under arm brackets, and applying a finish. slongley
Craftsman_Rocking_Chair_(front).jpgCraftsman Rocking Chair (front)185 viewsUncompleted Craftsman Style Rocking Chair made at the Homestead Heritage hand tool class in April 2007.
Left to be finished at this stage is "softening" the arm edges, shaping the rocker ends and top of back stiles, attaching the under arm brackets, and applying a finish. slongley