Search results - "rusty" |

double_rusty.jpgdouble bit axe head I picked up at auction22 viewsThe handle was falling out of the head (or was it the other way around?) Toss the old handle, and make a new one!dlarue

023.JPGMcClelland Corner Brace65 viewsVery interesting corner brace, never rusty, but no nickel plate left. Chuck works, original knobs, and wing nuts, just as in Sydnas Sloot great brace drill site. john krau

Starrett_12_inch_combination_square.JPGStarrett No. 4 Combination Square97 viewsWhen I got this many of the numerals were so rusty they were illegible and the slide would move only with great effort. It works perfectly now, the edge of rule is dead flat and the square is correct as well. Sgt42RHR

Try_Square_1.JPG10" Try Square 1 119 views10" Try Square, still rusty out of the tool chest.blambertjr

Try_Square_2.JPG10" Try Square 2121 views10" Try Square, still rusty out of the tool chest.blambertjr

005.JPGTool from the days haul147 viewsDon't spend a lot of time looking at my old bench. It was build by an old rockhound. I obtained this from my last house 1922 Arts and crafts bungalow. Any way the items on the bench are Disston 6tpi, Sargant moulding plane, Fillister plane, railroad pick headC&NW, #21 Stanley square, a no name square, ( a bit rusty but staight) a reamer and two plow plane irons, allso a not identified wood plane missing an iron and wedge, It has some damage on the back center portion.KellysW

002.JPG101 viewsI have two pics of this plane. It came rusty with an E b*y purchase. I am tring to figure out the modle number.KellysW

Stock-prep4-sm.jpgSurfacing veneer182 viewsSurfacing a cittern back-stave with my trusty Marples smoothercitternmaker

AUT_3366.JPGSome of my rusty arn241 viewsPart of my accumulation of planes. With the exception of a couple, they have all been fettled and work just fine.PeterH