Search results - "sears" |

GGF_Plane.jpgGreat Grand-Dad's Plane27 viewsMy Dad handed me this box, it has a Deluxe Craftsman plane in it.
He said he got it from his grandfather, who worked in the hardware Dept at Sears.
Cool eh?dlarue

Drawbore_Pins_Before_sm.jpgDrawbore Pins - Before262 viewsPiece of maple hand rail (curly!) and alignment tools from Sears.jerkinsj

Drawbore_Pins_After_sm.jpgDrawbore Pins - After338 viewsDrawbore pins I made based on an article in Popular Woodworking. Curly maple, Sears alignment tools, BLO and wax.jerkinsj

022~0.JPGCraftsman eggbeater drill bit container43 viewsOldSneelock

025~0.JPGCraftsman eggbeater drill55 viewsPicked up on a rust hunting expedition in LansingOldSneelock