Search results - "smith" |

Galootaclaus2016-4~0.jpgBlacksmith-made items95 viewssaltchuck

gc2014.jpgFrom my GC, Rudy Desjardins80 viewsA great haul, from left: the "American Blacksmithing, Toolsmiths' and Steelworkers' Manual" by Holmstrom and Holford, a pre-Bahco Öberg 14" single-cut smooth mill file, a 1" Keen Kutter firmer chisel re-handled by James Thompson (the old Millrat), and a vintage Marples & Sons 3/8" outcannel gouge. Thanks, Rudy!madwing

punches.JPGForged for blacksmithing class109 viewsthese were made from steel drawn off of a jackhammer bit. on the right is the first tool, a 1/4" round punch. on the left is a 1/8" x 5/8" slit punch. they are ready for hardening and tempering.madwing

Flea_Haul.JPGFlea Market Haul102 viewsA very successful ad hoc trip. Stearns cabinet scraper, Union hacksaw and two smithing tools lead the parade, along with some nice old automobile wrenches, miscellaneous hammers and other odds and ends.jjl134

smith_and_son_drawknife.jpgSmith and son drawknife51 viewsdwittner

smith_and_son_logo~0.jpgsmith logo32 viewsdwittner

smith_and_son_logo.jpgsmith and son logo19 viewsdwittner

blacksmithbook.jpg2013 early birthday gift175 viewsMy mom gave me this for my birthday. Cool!dlarue

blacksmithhammer.jpgnew blacksmith hammer42 viewsmy nephew gave me this for Xmas 2012. It ain't old but it sure ain't bad!dlarue

Oakville-20120721-00220.jpgRR spike knives31 viewsMade these in the old forge at Camp Nemo. Used a 10 pound sledge to shape them. My usual smithing hammer did nothing. "The goggles, they do nothing!"dlarue

gig1.jpgBlacksmith whirligig in teak46 viewsnicknaylo

gig2.jpgBlacksmith whirligig detail45 viewsthe whole thing made of teak scraps, some glueups to get the proper thickness nicknaylo