Search results - "spike" |

FIDs.jpgFids & Marlinspikes162 viewsUpper fid is dogwood, middle fid is osage orange. Both made by Bill Ghio. Lower fid is bone (probably cow). Bottom knife, marlinspike & sheath are KABAR set I bought ~1971 while serving on USS TICONDEROGA (CV14). Charlie Rodgers

Burlington-20120721-00216.jpgFruits of our labour67 viewsA couple of S-hooks and a couple of RR spike knives. dlarue

Oakville-20120721-00220.jpgRR spike knives31 viewsMade these in the old forge at Camp Nemo. Used a 10 pound sledge to shape them. My usual smithing hammer did nothing. "The goggles, they do nothing!"dlarue

hanger1.jpgFireplace tool hanger53 viewsholes drilled in the mortar of the fireplace, insert dowel and drive in mounting spikes, splitting the dowel and wedging the spikes. Really challanging to get the wave consistent nicknaylo

DSCN3474.JPGBottle opener from a RR spike. 81 viewsa lot of people make crappy, heavy knives from railroad spikes. I've tried and failed to do even that much. But bottle openers I seem to be able to do! nicknaylo

DSCN2514.JPGSteak Turner from a RR spike.66 viewsabout 9 inches, part of post turkey forging. nicknaylo

pike_tips.jpgspikes53 viewssome have barbs to hold in wood Bret Rochotte

DSCN2410.JPGFailures..72 viewstried to make a leaf vein die out of a RR spike, the impression is not deep enough, spent an hour working on that rose, then the outer 2/3 of the petal snapped off. nicknaylo

DSCN2269.jpghandled RR spike Axe.143 viewsput a handle on the axe forged from a RR spike. nicknaylo

DSCN2245.jpgAxe from RR spike and nails,190 viewsslitted and drifted an eye in the an HC RR spike, then flattened the head and pointed the chisel end. More of a boarding axe than a wood cutting tool. Handful of crude attempts, not easy making nails, not yet anyway. nicknaylo

DSCN2226.JPGSmithy, left hand side.192 viewsanvil with all the tongs,gas forge and exiled table saw, toolbox, bag of RR spikes on the ground etc..nicknaylo