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DSC00486.JPGSmall Brace42 viewsThe broken off bit of drill bit was clamped in the v at the tip of the chuck jaws. It was very secure. I had to pad the chuck and grip it in a vise to unlock it.OldSneelock

IMG_1879.JPGTurning tools82 viewsI have made a large number of turning tools. For this tool I used the end of a High Speed Steel saw blade for the insert. I couldn't bear to throw away a piece of HSS with a hole in it.
I ground the end of a piece of square stock to give the insert a negative rake, which works very well. Then I drilled and tapped a hole for the screw to hold the insert.
This tool is a prototype. I plan to make more of them. It works very well.
The handle is a close copy of a Sorby handle. I used ash for the wood. Oldmillrat

Lumberyard.jpgLumber Yard49 viewsThis is where most of the bents were cut and tested, then thrown up onto the treehouse and reassembled.galootgary