Search results - "tuck" |

DSC_0800_reduced.jpegStanley No 1 left front view55 viewsLooks pretty good. Still has to be demounted and cleaned up. Stuck iron assembly hold down screw has been freed with a little oil. SomedayForge

IMG_20160709_104205.jpgchair rail24 viewsogee (Wheeler) and bead (Gleave, Oldham St, Manchester)
stuck in white pinedlarue

IMG_6613.jpgTucker vise in full 'exploded' mode40 viewspivoted, open, tilted -- it can take up the entire working space at the north end of the bench if fully utilizedCharlie Driggs

XmasBBQ14-1.JPGXmas BBQ 2014 159 viewssome moldings stuck with an un-tuned planedlarue

100_4938.jpg94 viewsBlue tape covering the location, the the letter stuck down firmly.Ruby

100_4890.jpg69 viewsLetter is stuck on the brass, cut out with an exacto knife, and the white background removedRuby

Contents_-_RJ_Bits_1.JPG239 viewsThis was nice to find tucked away in the bottom of the chest...TRexF16

DSCI0042.jpgshave front95 viewsThis is the Cincinnati Tool circular shave, showing the cast lettering on the front. It's almost as I found it, except that I took a couple of test shavings from a piece of pine - most of which promptly stuck in the extremely tight mouth.owens

IMG_2406.JPGTucker vise68 viewsordinary position, showing the foot release mechanism that supplements the quick release push bar (silver bar along the top) for when you've really got yourself tied up in your workCharlie Driggs

IMG_2408.JPGTucker vise70 viewsswung up to 90 degrees -- not as much flexibility here as Bill's Oliver, but still very, very usefulCharlie Driggs

IMG_2409.JPGTucker vise59 viewsinverted, with carving jaws in position, tilted slightlyCharlie Driggs

IMG_2411.JPGTucker vise57 viewsswiveled, with dogs extended and outer jaw pivotedCharlie Driggs
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