Search results - "veneer" |

CZK_veneer.JPGtoasty veneer21 viewssome simple and effective wheat motif marquetry.dlarue

100_5588.JPGdetails14 viewsshe caught me peering at the veneer work. Forgot my hand lens.dlarue

CylinderTopDesk.jpgCylinderTopDesk12 viewsVeneered cylinder top desk made by Kathy's grandfather.dlarue

Bent_chair.jpgThonet side chair85 viewsFrom Vienna Applied Arts Museum (Museum fur Angewandte Kunst - MAK). Partly laminated veneers, bent; walnut, veneered: cane
From room brochure, "One of the first pieces of seating furniture which Michael Thonet made by means of bent wood methods. Created whilst he was still in Boppard on the Rhine, it has laminated veneers bent in one direction. It is an attempt to produce a more economical version of the fashionable Biedermeier chair type."jerkinsj

tilt.jpgveneered tilt top table27 viewsmaple and walnut veneer top on maple underlay. Birch column, legs and underpinnings.dlarue

Ward___Co__New_York_slitting_gauge-Galootaclaus_2011.jpgWard & Co. New York slitting gauge72 viewsThank you Elf Josh, this is a lovely tool, the fence is true and tight, the blade is polished and razor sharp. I really like the RB initials stamped on each side of the stem. This gauge will fit in nicely with my plans for veneering chests.

2011_8252s.jpgcorner joint of a lamp table179 viewsPlywood top and aprons, solid triangular leg with thick veneer. No visible fasteners.Schwartz

18_IMG_0028s.jpgVeneered drawer divider and 'shadow' of drawer stop.106 viewsSchwartz

15_IMG_4273s.jpgFilled hole, missing veneer and cock-beading.84 viewsSchwartz

01_IMG_4263s.jpgFront view with flame mahoghany veneered drawers.336 viewsThe chest is 45-1/2 in. wide, 46-1/8 in. tall and 23 in. deep.Schwartz

Image-7C82413A64B411D8.jpgVeneer saw70 viewsA hand made veneer saw.Oldmillrat

Toolbox___Toolchest.jpgtoolchest188 viewscopy of Duncan Phyfe's
Poplar, mahogany, mahogany veneer, milk paint, shellacjerkinsj