Search results - "warranted" |

CharlesTaylorSocketFramingChisel1.jpgCharles Taylor Socket Framing Chisel203 viewsChisel width is 1.5". Overall length is 17"; handle is 7".
The chisel, without handle, was a Galootaclaus 2010 gift from Peter McBride.
The chisel is marked "Charles Taylor's / Sheffield Tools Ltd / Warranted Cast Steel", and has the wood screw trade mark.

spearjackson_medallion.jpgmedallion146 viewsThe medallion has the Spear and Jackson logo in the center with "Spear&Jackson Sheffield" with the crown logo at its center. The outer ring of the medallion states "All saws branded Spear&Jackson are fully warranted" Then inside of that: "Spear&Jackson have an experience as saw makers extending over 160 years"Brentpmed

_DSC4312-qpr.jpgSmall Disston79 viewsA small Disston saw. Though the medallion is Warranted Superior, there is a faint, but legible Disston etch on the blade.starbuck56

009.JPGPemco Warranted Brace - Model No 2041 viewsPemco Warranted Brace - Similar to Consolidated brace ratchet at:

010.JPGPemco Warranted Brace - Ratchet70 viewsPemco Warranted ratchet with selector knobOldSneelock

068.JPGPemco Warranted Brace - No 2060 viewsModel number from Pemco Warranted BraceOldSneelock

069.JPGPemco Warranted Brace - Logo66 viewsPemco Warranted Brace chuck sleeve with the stamped logoOldSneelock

IMG00279-20100710-1458.jpgFound the name of No Name chisel58 viewsGEOPARR BUFFALO, NY

5_saws.jpegHow's that for Christmas?207 viewsMy grandfather's saws - one Disston medallion, two Warranted Superiors, two with no identification. At least one (the center) appears to be re-handled, and poorly at that. Lee

warranted-lg_eagle_9.jpegGrandfather's Warranted, large eagle medallion81 viewsBarely visible is the number 9.Lee

warranted-sm_eagle_8.jpegGrandfather's Warranted, small eagle77 viewsLee
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