Search results - "wood" |

Cabinet_front.jpgCabinet front closed152 viewsThe carcase and frame is all made from a single 40 year old air dried Appalachian black walnut board. The two panels are resawn and book matched from a single off cut of Indiana black walnut saved from the burn pile. The finish is four coals of 1-pound cut amber shellac, well rubbed out with 0000 steel wood after each coat. The whole is finished with a coat of Liberon brown paste wax. The knob is an ebony violin tuning peg. Closure is achieved by a rare earth magnet and a steel screw.Sgt42RHR

Galootaclaus2017-2.jpgHardwood billets from Galootaclaus59 viewssaltchuck

IMG_3652.jpgThe six objects within the tight wrappings were these .. 70 viewstwo versions of what I expect are hot sauce, and very hot sauce; a small box from Lee Valley and a device within not seen before by this Galoot; three large chunks of dogwood wood (is there a rhyme tied to that somewhere?), Michael Dunbar's Federal Furniture book in hardcover, and one of the Charles Hayward series on period furniture, this volume on the English breeds of the speciesCharlie Driggs

knockonwood.jpgKnock on wood44 viewsa bit of figured oak, scraped and oiled and shellaced for the tray in the car. nicknaylo

square_new.jpgrehabbed square19 viewssome rosewood glued into the cracks and splits, a machinists scraper to bring everything level, then fine sandpaper and a buffing with some wax.dlarue

RosewoodPlane1.JPGShopmade luthier plane (rosewood)20 viewsGreg Isola

RosewoodPlane2.JPGShopmade luthier plane (rosewood)21 viewsGreg Isola

RosewoodPlane3.jpgShopmade luthier plane (rosewood)19 viewsGreg Isola

WSCT_3-4View027c300res.jpgTom Hall's table38 viewsBeautiful table Tommy Hall built with sapwood edge walnutBrentpmed

BB_classes.JPGgreenwood classes32 viewsthe two days prior to the Bodgers Ball had a lot of courses in the big marquee.dlarue

IMG_20170225_223915.jpgpower grip42 viewsend grip for rough work, when you want to hog off a lot of wood.dlarue

Galootaclaus_tools.jpg2016 Tools from Galootaclaus98 viewsUnmarked spoke shave, Pexto chisel, Buck Brothers chisel, unmarked cast steel narrow chisel, spoon bit, and a block of dense wood that will be perfect for scales for knife or tool handles.Sgt42RHR
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