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Ilonas_box.jpgIlona's Box22 viewsMIL asked for a box, big enough for His & Hers ashes.
Made of butternut, finished in orange shellac.
Simple butt-joint construction.dlarue

tott_apr_2013_1.JPGtott apr 201329 viewshaul from apr tools of the trade sale.
8 pieces of 5/16 threaded rod, coping saw, pair of M Crannel ogee planes, 3 hacksaw blades, 3 twist bit augers, a rivet setting tool, leather punch, Stanley 63 round bottom shave, cute little boxwood shave, 3 small stones and a ceramic stone.dlarue

tott_apr_2013_2.JPGtott apr 2013 planes24 viewsmatched pair of ogee planes by M Crannel, Albany
One is 1/2 the other labelled 7/8
Soles do not quite match the irons due to shrinkage but the are close, and reasonably sharp.dlarue

drum1.jpgtop of drum22 viewstopside of deerskin rawhide drum.dlarue

drum2.jpgdrum underside17 viewsunderside of hand drum, frame of white pine, deerskin rawhide for the head.dlarue

100_4849.JPGTool Group meeting Apr 201319 viewsStuff I brought home from the Tool Group of Canada meeting. 2 SJ Addis chisels, one no-name chisel, a coupld of small stones, a riggers knife, and two leather prickers.dlarue

100_4850.JPGAxolite stone22 viewssmall white sharpening stone, quite fine.
still has most of the box, and name on the stone too.dlarue

cherryjointer.jpgcherry jointer44 views30 inch jointer made with junker Stanley hardware plus a threaded insert. Dead Easy.dlarue

Gator.jpggator37 viewsfolk art bird feederdlarue

12_tons.jpg12 ton jack50 viewstook over 4 months of gentle persuasion, but it works now!dlarue

wolfhead1.jpgwolf head branding iron40 viewsdlarue

blacksmithbook.jpg2013 early birthday gift175 viewsMy mom gave me this for my birthday. Cool!dlarue
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