New Bench |
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100_3194.jpg132 viewsThe 203 bench clamp - it really wants that hole to be 1".Ruby

100_3195.jpg133 viewsStanley 203 bench stop. Chris Schwarz tried one and liked it, so I found a good one for $27 delivered. BUT - it takes a 1" hole and all I have is 3/4". And it needs something only 3/4" thick to grab onto.Ruby

100_3231.jpg148 viewsBench dog. A 4" piece (for my 3-1/2" bench top) of 3/4" dowel with a bullet catch in the side. Ruby

100_3233.jpg141 viewsReady for work. The straight section can be adjusted down from 3/4" to 0.Ruby

100_3234.jpg128 viewsThe dog waiting just below the surface. I will make a dozen and leave them in the most used holes.Ruby

100_3136.jpg152 viewsThe top is 3-1/2" wide boards cut from 1/3 of a 2 X 12. The pieces were all surfaced to 1-3/8" thick to clean them up, and glued with Original Titebond after an Acetone wash, and clamped for 5 hours, all at Chris's suggestion. To haul the pieces home I cut them from their 16' original length. I later decided to lengthen the top from 78 to 84", so some of them have a 6" piece glued onto the end. Looks like a groaning board with no dog holes.Ruby

100_3121.jpg152 viewsRecord 52-1/2 vice bought new out of a basement for $50. There is also a flea market Record planing stop to the left of the vice. The bench top is upside down. I used 1/2" lags that go into the top 2-1/2" and that vice is going nowhere. The extra rounded piece is to extend the stationary jaw down to the bottom of the movable jaw.Ruby

100_3123.jpg136 viewsThe twin screw vice is designed to rack over its width, so the screws are not tight in the nuts. The small wood piece is to support the screw as the movable jaw is extended to keep the jaw from sagging. The bench top is upside down.Ruby

100_3127.jpg167 viewsThe short stretchers stand about 1/16" proud of the top of the legs for the bench top to rest on. The shelf is mostly to add weight - 15 pounds of wood and 2 tons of iron. The ends of the base are drawbored (drawborn?) and permanently glued, but the long stretchers are bolted to be sure that I can get it out of the basement if necessary. Ruby

100_3124.jpg160 viewsTwin screw vice on the upside down bench top. The little nylon bushings are to support the sag in the chain. The screws are 20" apart which turned out to be just right so that the handles never hit each other.Ruby

100_3125.jpg159 viewsShort stretchers are 2 pieces 1-3/8" thick glued together, one longer than the other. The longer of the two piece of the stretcher becomes a tenon that fits into a void left in the leg, then glued and drawbored (drawborn?). The completed bench racked a bit so I used 4 3/8" lags 2-1/2" into the top through the short stretchers and it stiffened right up. The back lags are through elongated holes so the top stays even with the front legs.Ruby

100_3129.jpg151 views1/2" bolt holding the large stretchers to the legs. Just a large round hole with the side nearest the leg flattened for a washer. Very rigid. I used this method so that I (or my heirs) could get the bench out of the basement.Ruby