Denmark |
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100_5784.JPGbackside16 viewsback of a chest, obvious repairs and replacements, newer wood, empty peg holes. shims, nails, etcdlarue

100_5797.JPGbuilt up moulding18 viewslots of components to make up the crown on this casedlarue

IMG_0368.JPGcloseup16 viewspeering closely with a flashlight to see the joinery details.
what a weirdo, eh?dlarue

IMG-20150512-00290.jpgold gouges17 viewsflint gouges
note how polished these are, not the rough flaked stone tools you normally seedlarue

100_5547.JPGnice stache18 viewsI think mine is better.dlarue

100_5561.JPGvery old17 viewsdated 1642 and in remarkable shape.dlarue

100_5564.JPGuneven18 viewsuneven carving but from even a couple of yards away it looks great

100_5575.JPGout of bounds15 viewsnote how the carving goes around the rails and stiles.
done after assembly, perhaps?dlarue

100_5588.JPGdetails14 viewsshe caught me peering at the veneer work. Forgot my hand lens.dlarue

100_5718.JPGlayout lines18 viewsnote the layout lines along the tops of the stopped grooves.
Also see the apparent remains of an old paint job.
No one was looking so I ran my fingers along these grooves.
They are quite uneven in depth near the ends, but along the straight parts seems quite good.
Probably scraped, and finished with a gouge.dlarue

100_5733.JPGrepairs15 viewslook at all the repairs done over the centuries.dlarue

100_5742.JPGpinned crown17 viewsnote the pegs holding the crown moulding in place.dlarue