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Chicago_Rawhide_split_head_mallet.jpgWood faced Mallet183 viewsChicago Rawhude Split Head Mallet
w/wooden faces (Osage Orange)roy griggs01/09/13 at 17:56OldSneelock: Used a ton of these back in the day. 1969 at the M...

cold_chisels.jpgCold chisels?221 viewsWhat kind of chisels are these?bwelch07/03/10 at 20:07OldSneelock: Calking chisels for tamping okum and cast lead aro...

9_26_08_bad_day_004a.jpgRuined my day 1414 viewsPracticing dovetails when disaster struck. notice the chisel!!roy griggs07/03/10 at 19:34OldSneelock: Had to blow it up to see. A snapped chisel would c...

100_2821.JPGholding fast126 viewsHoldfast I made Nov 15 2009dlarue07/03/10 at 19:21OldSneelock: Nice work!

tool_storage.jpgtool storage323 viewsBench left behind by previous owner has great tool storage underneath. Here's a shot of chisels and gouges in the drawers. Chisels and gouges were not included in the bench!bwelch07/03/10 at 19:11OldSneelock: I have a drafting table from Union Pump in Battle ...

DSC03830.JPGExperimental London Pattern Handles161 viewsI tried several options while deciding on the final handle design for the Two Cherries handles. This was one design, which combined leather washer on the striking end with ferrules made from two different sizes of flare nut. I decided against the flare nuts because they wouldn't accommodate the chisel tangs very well. Don't recall why I abandoned the leather idea, other than maybe I didn't have enough leather on hand at the time. Not a bad look as I revisit it. Maybe I'll use it for future tools.Chuck Myers07/03/10 at 19:02OldSneelock: Nick, I really like these handles. I don't cur...

octagons_2.jpgoctagon handles235 viewsExploring the form
1 1/8 x 5 3/4 bottom
1 1/4 x 6
1 3/8 x 5 too stubby
1 1/2 x 7 3/4 (on a 14" rasp)roy griggs07/03/10 at 05:05OldSneelock: Got to love having such cool tools, and you made t...

sew_cbnt_24.JPGsewing cabinet -- job completed287 viewsRepairs are completed, it's ready to be picked up ... the replaced bits are lying on the bench top in front of the legs.
The owner did not want a complete refinishing, which is a good thing as the antique value of this piece would have been lost.Charlie Driggs07/03/10 at 04:29OldSneelock: I'm always impressed when someone can bring ba...

IMG_2590_2.JPGQuickie Jewelry Box127 viewsRepeated 'encouragement' to clean up my dresser resulted in a weekend project. Mahogany box, and due to material failures, a single width Cherry top. A little decoration with brass strips on either side (visible above, on edge). Nothing special, just quick.Charlie Driggs07/03/10 at 04:21OldSneelock: Nice work

rackside.jpgSide of redwood chisel rack91 viewsYou can see the edges of the featherboards, thin edges touching, making up the back, as well as the other three long pieces that span the width of the rack.madwing07/03/10 at 04:17OldSneelock: Looks like it was made from clapboard siding. I ha...

After_48_hours_tumbling.jpgPolished Auger Bit120 viewsAfter 48 hours tumbling in walnut shells and 600 grit silicon carbide. Would have been faster with better electrolysis first, and 400 grit. No rounding of edges, but the initially weak Irwin mark is now a lot weaker. jem109807/02/10 at 20:19OldSneelock: The polish looks impressive. No rounding of the ed...

Johns_Bench_Planes2.JPGMy daily users167 viewsWith the exception of the aforementioned Bedrock, these are all Type 11 & 12 corrugated Nos. 4, 4 1/2, 5, 5 1/2, 7 that have been cleaned, tuned, with Hock bladesSgt42RHR05/01/10 at 05:31OldSneelock: Excellent lighting and good detail. Thanks for sha...
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