TomResaw.jpgTomResawing113 viewsAntique saw found in a shop in central New York state (near Canandaigua) and rebladed with a piece of 1/2"-wide non-hook bandsaw blade. Taken about 1997, before digital cameras, but now scanned for sharing.Tom11Dec 22, 2011
65lbs.jpgI was able to squeeze the bathroom scales to ~65 lbs.160 viewsI don't think this was anything like an accurate measure of maximum clamping pressure, because the cam will only flex the spring arm to a hair short of 3/8" from rest. That went to the 65 lb. mark, but If I could get another purchase I think it would go more-not that you need much more to hold a tight glue joint until it sets.Tom11May 14, 2011
ClampParts.jpgStock for cam clamp187 viewsAll hard maple, bar is 2 1/4" x 28", uprights are 2" wide by 9 1/4" long. All stock is 13/16" thick, making laminated uprights 1 5/8" across when finished.Tom11May 13, 2011
HalfMortise.jpgCutting mortise in upright161 viewsHalf the mortise is cut in each piece before lamination. Router plane is excellent for making sure mortises are correct and snug. 1 1/4" left below bar on both uprights, help keep assembly level and stable when using the clamp. Tom11May 13, 2011
MortiseCut.jpgMortise in fixed upright160 viewsThe upright pieces are twice as thick as the bar, with half the mortise cut in each side before gluing up. This fixed end is made snug and well glued.Tom11May 13, 2011
CamLeverSlot.jpgLever mortise layout150 viewsShowing where the slot will be cut for the cam lever, with business end 1/2" from inside edge, from which the spring face will be cut, to be pushed by cam lever.Tom11May 13, 2011
ClampDone.jpgCam Clamp finished172 viewsFinish is Minwax "golden oak" followed with a wipe of "English chestnut," giving a color similar to the unfinished maple of my work bench made in 1995. Inside dimensions are 6" reach, by 23 3/4" width of clamping capacity.Tom11May 13, 2011
CamClamping.jpgCam Clamp at work160 viewsThe pivot hole in the lever is ~ 3/16" off center, 9 o'clock when at rest. Raising it gives a max of c. 3/8" clamping action.Tom11May 13, 2011
BoxLidOn.jpgFinished tool tote, with rope sling for shoulder carry153 viewsThis is made from a wine crate made with finger-jointed corners, adding the handle brackets dovetailed to piece across bottom, plus braced lid. Finish is Minwax "Golden Oak" stain/finish followed by wipe with Minwax "English Chestnut" stain/finish to redden the tone a little, then rubbed down.Tom11Mar 24, 2011
BoxLidOff.jpgFinished tool tote with the lid off131 viewsI decided the original 3/8" thick braces/handles were too wimpy, so replaced them with more robust 3/4" stock.Tom11Mar 24, 2011
ManropeKnot.jpgManrope knot146 viewsThe finished knot securing the rope sling, with leather washer per Charlie Rodgers' suggestionTom11Mar 24, 2011
BoxClosed.jpgTool carrier, unfinished215 viewsMade by cutting down a finger-jointed wine crate, adding rope shoulder sling attached to dovetailed brackets. Dimensions 8" wide, 7 1/2" deep, 20" long.Tom11Mar 19, 2011