Last additions - bwelch |

stanley_92_comparison.jpgStanley 92 shoulder planes35 viewsbwelchJul 13, 2016

mf_chisels.jpgBuck Rogers tools40 viewsFirst steps toward a proper 1950s toolkit.bwelchSep 14, 2015

braces.jpgBrace rack37 viewsA REALLY down and dirty brace rack.bwelchSep 14, 2015

new_shop_lighting.jpgnew shop lighting45 views1950s wagon wheel light moved from the kitchen to over my bench. Sorry for the quality--the lighting is very poor down cellar.bwelchMar 11, 2015

photo1.jpgPopular Mechanics saw rack50 viewsbwelchApr 05, 2014

lumber_sm.jpgpile o logs24 viewsbwelchNov 02, 2013

welch_griffiths_josh.jpgWelch & Griffiths saw from Josh Clark189 viewsFinally, after many years of searching, a Welch & Griffiths saw, a Galootaclaus gift from Josh Clark.bwelchJan 06, 2012

flint_dietrich_patent_rip_handle.jpgJ. Flint's Dietrich Patent Double Handle Rip Saw (patent 132,258)94 viewsFrom an 1874 issue of Iron Age Magazine
Dietrich patented this in 1872bwelchJan 22, 2010

turnings_in_rafters.jpgTurnings in the rafters212 viewsAlso in the rafters of the garage. Long-deceased father of previous owner was a woodturner / chairmaker / cabinetmaker.bwelchDec 27, 2009

thick_maple.jpgCurly maple and birdseye maple203 viewsThis was up in the rafters of the garage. All of it is 8/4.bwelchDec 27, 2009

boring_tools.jpgMillers Falls braces and eggbeater drills196 viewsbwelchDec 27, 2009

disston_d23.jpgMinty Disston D-23192 viewsbwelchDec 27, 2009