Last additions - Bad Andy |

Galootaclaus_2010.jpgGalootaclaus 201098 viewsStanley 4, Stanley 50 and some different woods.Bad AndyDec 21, 2010

bench~0.jpgBench125 viewsHere is my bench version 2. Plans are in the making for version 3.Bad AndyAug 16, 2010

cabinet.jpgCabinet91 viewsInteresting since all the lights in that part quit the cabinet is pretty dark but the camera flash lit it up well. There's a hidden drawer behind the one on the right. Haven't finished the last drawer yet.Bad AndyAug 16, 2010

Chest.jpgChest of drawers86 viewsThis holds my wooden molding planes and some other tools I've had forever. It sacrificed it's top so that the little green toolbox could live.Bad AndyAug 16, 2010

old_bench.jpgOld bench103 viewsOld bench, became a treadle lathe, now holds lathe chisels and other stuff. Base is an old treadle sewing machine. In front is my sawbench.Bad AndyAug 16, 2010

shaving_horse.jpgShaving Horse84 viewsShave horse made from lumber I found in the trash bin when they built our old neighbor's house.Bad AndyAug 16, 2010

Storage.jpgTool storage82 viewsFootlocker full of tools from Grandpa and the toolbox I made from the old desk.Bad AndyAug 16, 2010

IMG_1969.jpgContents of Handy Andy toolbox.108 viewsThe miterbox died, I broke the folding rule, the other wood chisel is in the basement somewhere. The hammer handle broke and I replaced it with a stick many years ago.Bad AndyAug 15, 2010

IMG_1968.jpgHandy Andy Toolbox69 viewsGot this for my birthday from Grandpa and Grandma when I was a kid, maybe 6 or so.Bad AndyAug 15, 2010

Elanor_Rose_Baughn.jpgMash paddle92 viewsA friend at work asked me to make him a mash paddle. It is made from hard maple.Bad AndyAug 15, 2010

IMG_1472.jpgPole Lathe122 viewsBad AndyFeb 22, 2009

IMG_1473.jpgPole Lathe114 viewsBad AndyFeb 22, 2009