Last additions - galootgary |

Picture_001_cr~0.jpg27 viewsThe entire haul. You can see the fauns foot handle on the hatchet, along with the whole saw jointer, as well as the quick and dirty handles some one attached to the Perfect Handle drawknife.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_002_cr~0.jpg18 viewsIrvington Ice and Coal ice pick. For anyone who has read the book "Devil In The White Ciy", Irvington is where the main protagonist went to when the police were about to catch him in Chicago.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_003~0.jpg15 viewsE.C. Atkins 9" cast iron hacksaw.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture.jpg16 viewsSimonds saw jointer, closeup of the scale. There are 2 thumbscrews that hold the sliding sheet metal piece. There are no marks on either side of the sheet metal to correcspond with the scale, but it is obvious that the pieces go together.
No patent dates anywhere so I cn't look that up either.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_001_cr.jpg14 viewsIrvington Ice and Coal ice pick. For those of you who have read "Devil In The White City". Irvington is the "suburb" of Indianapolis (now an urban neighorhood well inside) where the protagonist lived after being chased out of Chicago.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_002_cr.jpg15 viewsIrvington Ice and Coal ice pick. For those of you who have read "Devil In The White City". Irvington is the "suburb" of Indianapolis (now an urban neighorhood well inside) where the protagonist lived after being chased out of Chicago.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_003.jpg12 viewsCat iron 9" hacksaw made by E.C. Atkins.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_004.jpg16 viewsYou can kind of make out the "HA" mark here, part of "Perfect Handle" on the drawknife.galootgaryMay 16, 2013

Picture_006.jpg14 viewsVancamp Hardware mark on shingling hatchetgalootgaryMay 16, 2013

Tool_room.jpg49 viewsMain tool trading room dring Friday's all day tool trading event. Jim Crammond is in there somewhere.galootgaryOct 19, 2010

IMG_1627_new.jpg47 viewsChris Schwarz, Meagn Fitzpatrick (ffrom Popular Woodworking) and Pat Leach oggling Pat's new "wrench bench".galootgaryOct 19, 2010

barnes_lathe1.jpg61 viewsF.W. Barnes treadle powered metal lathe in perfect condition. The bucket at the bottom left and 2 boxes were full of the tooling, change gears, etc for the lathe. It even had the cast iton seat.galootgaryOct 19, 2010