Last additions - djyanan |

1221091834-00.jpgGalootaclaus 200982 viewsGalootaloot 2009!djyananDec 21, 2009

advent_wreath_1.jpg97 viewsAdvent Wreath completed and with candles, in LR at hom.djyananFeb 08, 2008

advent_wreath_2.jpg100 viewsTop side of the Advent Wreath showing cnadle cups. The greenery sits on top of this, with the candles extending up and through.djyananFeb 08, 2008

advent_wreath_-_complete.jpg99 viewscompleted wreath as it was positioned in the church.djyananFeb 08, 2008

wreath_top.jpg101 viewsWreath top ring, showing joints and the pegs on the bottom so that the wreath can be turned to light candles.djyananFeb 08, 2008

cribbage_board_-_half_open.jpg156 viewsdjyananFeb 08, 2008

cribbage_board_-_bottom.jpg148 viewsback side of the cribbage board, showing the storage areas for the cards & pegs.djyananFeb 08, 2008

cribbage_board_-_top.jpg150 viewsCribbage board opened up for play. cards and pegs fit into recesses on the underside.djyananFeb 08, 2008

cribbage_board_closed.jpg138 viewstravel cribbage board made for my sister. djyananFeb 08, 2008